We create entertainment, content and experiences right where you are
We are the leading publisher of magazines and weeklies in Denmark, with titles such as BILLED-BLADET, SE og HØR, Familie Journal, SPIS BEDRE and many more.
With a market share of 75 % in weeklies and 36 % in magazines, our content is your direct route to the Danes.
A total of 1.8 million Danes read at least one of our titles every month – and our strong digital universes have more than 2.1 million users and over 114 million page views every single month.

Deep insights on the lives and lifestyles of Danish women
Each month we reach millions of women via print as well as millions digital users. And with “Women of the Future” we conduct one of the most comprehensive women’s studies in Denmark.
Therefore, we are proud to say: “We know women the best”.
We bring all of our unique insights and vast knowledge into play when we develop our products, innovate our business or create campaigns for our partners.

Join us today
In Aller Media, you become part of a modern media house centrally located in Copenhagen. We are passionate about creating fantastic content, creative campaigns and great experiences for our many readers, users and partners. We do that through development and innovation of our many publications, digital universes, services, among other things.